
The ACDMAE, together with EUFASA (European Union Foreign Affairs Spouses Association), on the wave of other European Associations, has followed for some time issues concerning the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs personnel’s family, penalized by the continuous relocations.

The problem has recently arisen with particular emphasis on young spouses who, having achieved good academic and/or professional training, express the desire to engage a work experience abroad, as to maintain, as far as possible, a profession and enrich their curriculum, key factor for reintegration in the working world once back in their countries.

The ACDMAE has already achieved significant results in trying to help spouses interested in carrying out a professional activity in Italy or abroad.

The first achievement was “SIGNORELLO” Law (N.26 dell’11.2.1980), recognizing the right to be placed on the leave on family grounds indefinitely to the State employee spouse of a civil or military employee of the Public Administration destined abroad and extended (with the law n.333 of 25.6.1985) also to civil servants whose spouse is working abroad on behalf of non-state actors. This law has recently obtained a remarkable improvement thanks to the participation and engagement of the ACDMAE. Law n.184 del 30.04.1997 has established that the leave taken under the law in question may, on request, be redeemed for pension purposes after voluntary payment of the relevant contributions. This law has also retroactive effects: it is possible to pay contributions for periods of leave taken from the time of entry into force of the law.

The second achievement was a special agreement with Manpower, one of the most famous part-time (temporary or permanent) companies operating in Italy. The main points provide for the creation of a database reserved for ACDMAE members and their children with priority in sending job offers available.

Moreover, the ACDMAE organize meetings on working abroad (for example on how to write a curriculum, manage a job interview, do a job research online) and training.

Following this path, in order to allow to work abroad, the ACDMAE has always supported, together with EUFASA, the need to sign bilateral agreements with countries outside Europe (Italy has already an agreement with the US, while are ongoing those with Brazil, Canada, New Zeeland and Australia).

Finally, the ACDMAE has started, together with other European Associations, the collection of institutions, companies and job agencies’ websites willingly to offer also temporary jobs.