Insieme a Roma

The “Insieme a Roma” Group was created in 1981 and it works within the ACDMAE.

The purposes of the Group are to establish relations of solidarity and friendship between the ACDMAE members and the Foreign Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Quirinal, the Holy See and the International Organizations, and to propose visits and cultural trips to promote knowledge of the culture and institutions of our country.

Insieme a Roma” is non-profit making and works on a totally voluntary basis. The Head of the Group, Vice President of the ACDMAE, is appointed by the Council.

Monthly cultural visits to museums, exhibitions, historic buildings, churches, archaeological sites etc. are conducted by art historians also in foreign languages.

In September a meeting is organized for the presentation of the new year programs, to which the spouses of the Heads of Mission accredited in Italy, the members of “Insieme a Roma” and all ACDMAE members are invited.

In addition to a “General Program” in Italian and English, which is directly managed by the Association, Thematic Programs (“A”, “B”, etc.) are proposed each year under the responsibility of art historians of our trust, who hold conferences and visits in Italian.

In December the participants in the General Program are invited to a “toast” for Christmas greetings that, usually, takes place in a foreign Embassy.

In June, a reception signs the end of the social activities’ year, to which are invited the representatives of the Diplomatic Corps in Rome, personalities of the cultural and political world and all the members of “Insieme a Roma” and of the ACDMAE with their spouses.

Since 2004, ACDMAE offers a region the opportunity to present, during the reception, its own food and wine products and to promote the cultural and tourist aspects of its territory.

Group “Insieme a Roma”

Information, registration and reservations at the office of the ACDMAE.